
Online Courses

Data Science Textbooks


  • SQL Database Design
  • Forecasting for Analytical Decision making
  • Statistics for Data Science (R)
  • Data Mining Methods & Applications (R, SPSS)
  • Advanced Regression Analysis (SPSS)
  • Principles of Business Intelligence
  • Data Transformation (PosgreSQL, R)
  • Data Warehousing & Dimensional Modeling
  • IT Project Management
  • Information System Implementation, Masters Seminar


  • Probability and Statistics
  • International Economics
  • Macroeconomic Theory, Intermediate
  • Microeconomic Theory, Intermediate
  • Economics, Intro
  • Classical Theories of Political Economy
  • Modern Theories of Political Economy
  • Advanced Topics in Political Economy
  • History of Development and Underdevelopment
  • Globalization and Development
  • Corporate Finance
  • Technology and Values
  • Competitive Strategy
  • Personal Finance
  • Financial Accounting, Intro
  • Legal Aspects of Management